Injury Prevention and Screening

Injury prevention programs include strengthening, agility, flexibility, balance exercises along with education around proper movement patterns as well as jumping and landing mechanics  New research has shown that the old […]

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Integrated Patient Care

Healthcare is an extremely broad field with countless aspects to it. With so many facets to health, choosing the correct healthcare/ medical practitioner can be confusing. Typically, most people start with their Family Doctor.

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Over Indulging at Easter

The Easter long weekend typically sees an increase in consumption of sugary foods, the biggest culprit chocolate eggs, and a decrease in exercise. While it is ok to enjoy easter […]

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Adherence to exercise

Changing habits is no easy task. One of the most common New Year Resolutions we hear about involve starting an exercise program, losing weight or getting fit but months roll […]

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Fungal Infections

As a Podiatrist, our jobs can tend to be very seasonal in terms of what comes through the clinic. In winter we see a lot of ingrown toenails and corns, […]

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