Suffering persistent ankle pain and instability?
Chronic ankle instability is a condition that affects countless individuals around the world, disrupting daily activities and causing recurring discomfort. If you’ve ever rolled your ankle more than once or have persistent feelings of instability in your ankle, you may be dealing with this common issue. Chronic ankle instability typically results from a history of repeated ankle sprains. When an ankle sprain occurs, the ligaments that provide stability to the joint can become stretched or torn. If these injuries are not properly rehabilitated and healed, the ankle can remain unstable, leading to chronic issues.
Common Causes of Chronic Ankle Instability
- Inadequate Rehabilitation: Failing to fully rehabilitate the ankle after an injury can
lead to persistent instability. Incomplete healing of ligaments may result in ongoing
weakness. - Anatomy: Some individuals have inherent factors that make them more prone to ankle instability, such as naturally loose ligaments, otherwise known as hypermobility.
- Repetitive Sprains: Each ankle sprain weakens the ligaments, making the joint more susceptible to future injuries. Over time, this can develop into chronic instability.
Symptoms of Chronic Ankle Instability
- Recurrent Ankle Sprains: Frequent episodes of rolling or twisting the ankle.
- Pain and Swelling: Ongoing pain and swelling in the ankle, especially after physical activity.
- Feeling Unsteady: A persistent sense of instability or a feeling that the ankle is giving way.
- Weakness: Difficulty balancing on the affected ankle or performing activities that require strength and stability.
- Decreased Range of Motion: Limited mobility in the ankle joint.
Treatment Options
If you suspect you have chronic ankle instability, it’s essential to seek professional evaluation and treatment to minimise problems long term. The following treatment options can help manage the condition:
- Physical Therapy: A physical therapist can design a personalized exercise program to
strengthen the ankle, improve balance, and increase the range of motion. - Bracing: An ankle brace or taping may be recommended to provide additional support and stability during physical activities.
- Orthotics: Custom orthotic inserts can help correct any underlying biomechanical issues and enhance ankle stability.
- Pain management: pain and inflammation management can help reduce the negative impact on quality of life.
- Surgery: In cases where recurrent instability and ankle sprains occur easily, or multiple ankle sprains have occurred, this can often lead to longer-term ankle joint concerns. In such cases, a specialist surgical opinion can be helpful, to assess the need for repairing the damaged ligaments. This can be a very effective method in improving pain and instability.