6 Tips for Sticking to Your New Years Resolution

In theory New Years Resolutions are a great idea, however come June only 40% of people are still on track with those goals they set in January and everyone else is left disappointed.  But all New Years Resolutions don’t have to end this way if we take some simple steps before setting our goals.  

  1. Acknowledge where you currently stand; wether this be in regards to fitness, weight or work circumstances, its good to set ourself goals based on our current position. If you currently struggle to reach 10,000 steps a day; running a marathon is a bit of a stretch – start slow and build up.
  2. SMART goals; Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timed. It is important that our goals are not just focused on performance or appearance and are specific to what you actually want to achieve. Rather than setting a goal of running more, set a goal of running 3 times per week for 20 minutes and increase by 5 minutes each week.
  3. Use technology to your advantage; Apps, Smartwatches and fitbits are a great way of tracking your daily activity and food intake. There are loads of products available for all price ranges that will allow you to keep track of your goals.
  4. Positive actions not goals; focus on actions that will change your behaviour and lead to reaching your goals. For example rather than focusing on losing 10kgs, change your way of thinking about food and exercise. I will make my lunch every day for work and I will not skip my morning workouts. This behavioural change will help lead you to your goal.
  5. Accept failure; some mornings you simply wont be able to get to the gym before work, accept this, don’t beat yourself up and  move on.
  6. Reward yourself; set healthy rewards for sticking to your goals such as purchasing some new workout clothes or taking yourself away for the weekend.
Remember, SMART goals lead to long-term changes. From all of the team at OnePointHealth we wish you a Happy and Healthy Christmas and New Year.