From general skin and nail care to reconstructive foot and ankle surgery, your OnePoint Podiatry team provides the most comprehensive lower-limb-care for you and your family.
- Sports Podiatry
- Orthotic therapy
- Heel Pain
- Ingrown Toenail Surgery
- Diabetes Foot Care
- Children’s Podiatry
Available at Penrith, Ryde, Silverdale, Ropes Crossing, Lindfield, Blaxland, Springwood, and Katoomba
Our focus for you is simple, decrease your pain and improve your quality of life. Your OnePoint Physiotherapists achieve this through integrating 25 years of clinical experience, with the latest in evidence-based treatments. Whether you are an international or park athlete, an office worker or stay at home mum, our OnePoint team is here for you.
- Sports injuries
- Spinal injuries with associated sciatica
- Neck and Headaches
- Knee Pain and Biomechanical injuries
- Post-op rehab and prehab programs
- Sports screenings
- Osteoarthritis conservative management
- Strength and conditioning
- Work-related injuries
- Chronic pain
Exercise Physiology
Your OnePoint exercise physiologists specialise in providing exercise and rehabilitation programs specifically for you. From sports-specific strength and conditioning to chronic disease prevention and management, no two programs are the same.
- Diabetes and chronic disease management
- Hydrotherapy
- Pilates
- Sport Specific rehabilitation and training
- Weight management and fitness
Available at Penrith
Remedial Massage
From Olympic athletes to stressed office workers, our OnePoint massage therapists are here to get you feeling free again. Using advance techniques such as trigger point therapy and active released, along with sports and lifestyle specific deep tissue massage, our team is here to help.
- Sports and recovery massage
- Remedial massage
- Lymphatic drainage massage
- Injury-specific massage programs
Available at Penrith
Dietitian and Nutritionist
Your OnePoint Dietitians and Nutritionists are here to guide and inspire you to build nutritionally healthy lifestyles. We help you to create the knowledge and awareness of how to reach the best version of yourself.
- Diabetes and weight management
- Child and family nutrition
- Sports nutrition
- Corporate nutrition and wellness
- Hormone balancing
- Endometriosis/PCOS
- Digestive support including Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), GORD and Inflamed Bowel diseases (IBD)
Available at Penrith, Ryde, Ropes Crossing, Springwood, and Katoomba
The OnePoint chiropractic approach prides itself on deriving an accurate diagnosis and obtaining fast results related to your specific injury and pain. Our multi-modal joint and muscle techniques reduce pain and stiffness, encourage tissue repair and enhance pain-free movement, getting you back to comfortable living sooner.
- Back and neck pain treatment
- Sciatica and hip pain
- Headache and migraine management
- Shoulder injuries
- Postural assessments
Available at Penrith
Registered NDIS Provider
As registered NDIS allied health providers, OnePointHealth is dedicated to providing essential therapeutic support to patients. Our multidisciplinary approach ensures that participants get comprehensive access to allied health services under one roof.
We coordinate evidence-based assessments and treatments to provide NDIS patients with the support to gain independence, improve health and well-being and improve their lifestyle.
Learn moreAvailable at Penrith, Ryde, Silverdale, Ropes-crossing, Blaxland, Springwood, Katoomba, Lindfield
Group Classes
OnePointHealth offers a variety of group classes tailored to all age groups and fitness levels that will improve your overall health. Our group exercise classes are run by our Physiotherapy and Exercise Physiology team alongside our University-trained cadets. Group classes are a great way to maintain regular exercise and improve your health whilst in a supportive environment.
Learn moreAvailable at Penrith, Ryde
At OnePointHealth we make your experience of seeking specialty care easier, by guiding your health in the right direction and ensuring a smooth referral process. Our specialists use the latest advances in surgical techniques and technology, to provide you with a no compromise surgical and specialty care. With your own designated rehabilitation team, our integrated approach to recovery provides you with the environment and support needed to return to healthy, comfortable living, all in OnePoint.
- Dr Kevin Boundy – Sports and Exercise Physician, Board Certified in Regenerative Medicine. Special interest in non-surgical management of knee pain.
- Dr David Abraham – Sport and Exercise Physician
- Pierre Marion – Pedorthist
Available at Penrith, Ryde
Specialty Footwear Store
Get fitted by experts and be confident and comfortable that you are walking in the right shoe for you. At the OnePointHealth Specialty Footwear Store (shop online here) your shoe fitting will be guided by our team of podiatrists and trained footwear fitters, to ensure your feet are happy and healthy every day.
- Ascent work boots
- FRANKiE4, Ziera and Archies footwear
- Diabetic & medical graded footwear
- Orthotic friendly footwear
- Custom footwear by our Orthotist – Pierre Marrion
Available at Penrith, Ryde